morros kai is located in the Serena del Mar macro-project, a city within the city, located twelve kilometers from the Historic Center of Cartagena, an urban development with over 1.000 hectares with the purpose of guaranteeing the quality of life of its inhabitants through the creation of opportunities, with complete respect for the environment.
Serena del Mar has been strategically planned and designed by worldwide experts in urbanism, architecture and landscaping. Among them are Safdie Architects, WRT, Robert Trent Jones II, EDSA and Mario Noriega.
Serena del Mar plantea un nuevo concepto de ciudad con diferentes opciones de vivienda, oferta educativa, un nuevo Centro Hospitalario de alta tecnología, así como oportunidades para los negocios.
Serena del Mar proposes a new city concept with different housing options, a comprehensive educational offer , a new high-tech Hospital Center as well as business opportunities.